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FoodWords Draft

Food and Society Workshop, Tahsha LePage, Phoebe Ward, Monica Saralampi, Martha Megarry, Maria Frank, Matt Gunther, Authors

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Racial Disparities

{Description here}

Minority is a term that groups people (and therefore comes with the potential to be used disparagingly -- consciously or unconsciously) based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, and/or history of immigration. In many conversations, it is used in connection with concerns of poverty and health disparity, adding another reason that care should be taken not to use the term in a disrespectful manner.
Interestingly, A Review of Community Food Security Literature notes that Northern Minneapolis "has a high concentration of minority groups, so much so that they are a majority," which hints at a confusion of terms when using this word.

Within the tag family "Values, Justifications, & Motivations," in the "Food Justice" cluster.
This page is a tag of:
FoodWords GlossaryVelez Bustos test: FLV video"Behind the Kitchen Door" by Saru JayaramanNeoliberal Ebola: The agroeconomics of a deadly spillover.Velez Bustos test: .m4vMigrant Farmworkers in South-Central Minnesota: Farmworker-Led Research and Action for Change (metadata)Video: Nonprofits to Know: The Minnesota Project and Farmers' Legal Action GroupThe Minnesota Project & Farmers' Legal Action Group (metadata)Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy (metadata)Food Sovereignty in Northern Minnesota; Building a Sustainable and Accessible Food System in This Region (metadata)Models and Strategies for a Produce Distribution Plan (PDF)Review of Community Food Security Literature and Future Directions for Addressing Community Food Insecurity in North Minneapolis (PDF)Justin & Kathleen Batalden Smith interview (metadata)Neoliberal Ebola: The agroeconomics of a deadly spillover. (metadata)Real wild rice (PSIN) (metadata)Wild Vegetable Gathering by Hmong Americans (metadata)Peter Shea interview with Ernesto Velez Bustos (metadata)Models & Strategies for a Produce Distribution Plan (metadata)Urban Farm & Garden Alliance (metadata)Food Sovereignty in Northern Minnesota; Building a Sustainable and Accessible Food System in This RegionMigrant Farmworkers in South-Central Minnesota: Farmworker-Led Research and Action for ChangeVideo: Wild Vegetable Gathering by Hmong Americans  View all tags
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