Reminiscences of Western Travels 西海紀遊草 (Xi hai ji you cao): An Early Chinese Traveler to America & Relevant American Press Reports, 1847-1850

Ling Keng Chow

LING KENG CHOW.--The Chinaman, who came over as a teacher to Rev. Dr. Cummings, missionary, was arrested, two or three weeks since, on a charge of stealing some Daguerreotype apparatus. It is said, however, with how much truth we know not that the accused bartered some things of Chinese manufacture for the articles in question, which were found in his trunk. The alleged owner of the Daguerreotype apparatus now admits, it is said, having received the Chinese things but contends that they were presents. It is to be hoped that at the trial, which for some cause was postponed on Saturday, the Court will see that the stranger in a strange land has justice done to him, and if it should appear that he obtained the apparatus by barter, even though he may possibly have got the best of the bargain, that his rights will be protected and amends made to him for the accusation and imprisonment. We put this hypothetically, of course, being unacquainted with the whole particulars. [Com. Adv.

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