Reminiscences of Western Travels 西海紀遊草 (Xi hai ji you cao): An Early Chinese Traveler to America & Relevant American Press Reports, 1847-1850

A Great Curiosity Coming to this Port--A Yankee Speculation

It appears that a new visitor may shortly be expected in these parts:

The cost of the whole affair will be about $30,000, and the “cute” proprietor will undoubtedly realize a large fortune. After having exhausted the United States, he has been offered $30,000 to deliver his junk in England. The Manhattanese will stare as broadly at the strange sight of a cruiser from the flowery land sailing up their noble river, as did the aborigines when old Hendrick Hudson astonished their unsophisticated senses by a display of his Dutch canvas in their bay. The junks are said to be good sea boats, and nothing worse than delay is feared in the voyage. We only wonder some one never thought of it before.

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