F20 Black Atlantic: Resources, Pedagogy, and Scholarship on the 18th Century Black Atlantic

Project Proposal

For now, pay no attention to the project description on the website.

You may treat this proposal as you would a reflection, or, if you have a strong sense of what you want to do, you can be more detailed.

Here are some prompts to get you going (you don't have to answer all of them; these are just to help you get started):

What topic, question, and/or texts are you interested in?
Is there a connection you see to your other research projects?
What digital projects or tools have interested you so far?
Are you more interested in focusing on building a class (or a unit within a class), an analytical argument, a research topic, or some sort of public resource (or some combination of this or something else)?
Without worrying about time constraints and knowledge of coding, etc., what kind of digital project interests you?
What is your work/courseload this semester and how will this project fit into it?

Please turn these in as you would a Response by the end of Sunday, November 1.

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