F20 Black Atlantic: Resources, Pedagogy, and Scholarship on the 18th Century Black Atlantic

Attending Dr. Kim's Class

Attending Dr. Kim's class was an honor. Although, I had no idea about her clash with white supremacists. The speaker also had similar problems with medievalists and early modernists, and this relates to a long theory I've had about certain fields attracting literal Nazis. I think it is related to this mythic idea of some pre-modern utopia existing in medieval or early modern texts. For instance, JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis have admitted their attraction to Anglo-Saxon myths stems from old imperial myths of a British civilization existing before "race." But obviously that cannot be farther from reality given that Tolkien's work is primarily anxious of race, ethnicity, and genocide. 

Anyways, hearing about some of these clashes made me more than a little bit nervous given the fact that I want to be a professor, and I'll just say that my politics would not agree with the Tolkien's of the world. I have even heard reports of professors being reprimanded for writing ACAB on their private twitter account. When and where are academics allowed to express their ideas? And what happens when those ideas disturb the status quo for white supremacy? I guess we shall find out. 

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