Exploding Tongues: Language, Art, and the Russian Avant-garde

Proposal [With Suprematist-inspired graphics]

For my page, I would like to create a pattern of rectangular blocks that starts from the left side of the page and spirals to the right, down, and into itself. Basically the pattern trails off and the blocks get smaller as they spiral in. Each of the blocks will house a guttural sound or combination of sounds and the entire spiral represents a long sentence or communicated expression of meaning that ultimately trails off into meaninglessness. Each block or sound has a specific meaning, but when pieced together, these meanings are replaced by a single, unified, but diminished meaning. Because the structure spirals, the reader has to read some of the sounds upside down, making the unified expression more difficult to read and causing a further loss in meaning when the page is approached as a single unit instead of a collaboration of separate, sovereign entities.

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