Exploding Tongues: Language, Art, and the Russian Avant-gardeMain MenuBack to Futurism: Russian Artist BooksIntroductory Page by Chris GilmanBookENDS: A Working Theory of Textuality as Cultural Dominant, 1912-An Introduction and Conclusion to a Semester's Investigation into the Book Arts as an Avant-garde PracticeBook Case StudiesCollaborative Research by Case StudiesBig Bang: Timeline of Russian Avant-Garde Book Arts and Their Cultural ImpactsA Timeline of Russian Avant-Garde Book Arts and Their Cultural ImpactsCoaRse CaLIBrationARTS 227 "Introduction to Letterpress Printing" (Pedersen) and CSLC134/RUSN334 "Exploding Tongues" (Gilman)NthOlogyA limited edition collaborative book arts project by students of ARTS 227 (Pedersen) and CSLC 134/RUSN 334 (Gilman), Spring, '17MANIFESTERS (AB & Kelly): A portfolio of process and productsAppendix: A Path Through Russian Avant-Garde BooksChristopher Gilman1985b99a2acd541caa12a10c3ebf6896565283abDexter Blackwell92e005ca94195f836c6089cf147faff4c74fa79eZoe Foster-La Duc1c8954189fb3ee4ab6e36bfb90fae86777eab97Stephen Heim7069d17c035042745c96bc6c7619096cd7b33da4Kelly Kirklande1805e502570d093d70f00df18f145c99290d0a3Ian Lehineb028c384a69e4b92166e7791b002fa3f2cee5818Timothy Lewis13880d3d99b4b71ce85be63e69a6d44e38853d68Jmedina29ac3fc10003fb639ac412984b59b01a5b826e161Taylor Robinsonaa08dd3939f1f1c6162c5518ae531385e51659afEvan Sarafian042e10782d9a6d3f0001a4b35abb02f58ad84684Craig Dietrich2d66800a3e5a1eaee3a9ca2f91f391c8a6893490ILiADS (Institute for Liberal Arts Digital Scholarship)
Mirskontsa - Credits (Page 39)
12017-05-02T09:17:34-07:00Timothy Lewis13880d3d99b4b71ce85be63e69a6d44e38853d681204111912 - Poets: Khelibnikov and Kruchenykh ; Painters: Goncharova and Larionovplain2017-05-02T09:17:34-07:00Timothy Lewis13880d3d99b4b71ce85be63e69a6d44e38853d68
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12017-04-30T20:41:15-07:00Artist as Collaborative Text - Towards Liber Viscus7Tim Lewis - Final Course Scalar Projectplain2017-05-12T17:14:57-07:00Collaboration operates as a fundamental element of the handmade book experience. The sharing of ideas and implementation across individuals a remarkable aspect of these texts and suggests that there was a form of literary experience in the creation of these communicative capacities that carries a further affective importance. Namely, that of Love. Take Mirskontsa for example: the text is noteworthy among other handmade books for the heavy presence of initials (mostly from Goncharova) and an artist's credit page. It is extremely notable that Mirskontsa was created in-part by artists-in-love: Goncharova and Larionov would later marry towards the end of their lives.
Further indicative of a spirit of love, Roman Jakobson importantly noted that in the occurrence of the sound-shape in language, there is an almost simultaneous emergence of divergent sexual occasions. It is no surprise, then, that Jakobson's own handmade book is iconic for its representation of a stitched-together heart on the cover. While it is unclear the depth/intent/role that Jakobson had in the production of the cover, what is abundantly evident is that notions of love as meaning-making were essential in the articulation of transrational notions of language. This consideration of the visceral life, the making of poetic accomplices-- all this operates as an extended instantiation of the sound (the word, the letter) and shape (the love life, the dead) of language.
The artists of the Russian Avant Garde were not simply in collaboration with each other, language/sound, and their hand-made texts. In the creation of their books, they constructed a new way of seeing/hearing a text--- a text with necessarily physical/finite properties (lacunae, failure, decay, and uniqueness). The integration of individuals, texts, and processes represented the next step in the journey towards and through this language of nonknowledge; indeed, the art of El Lissitzky strongly em-bodies and em-braces this analytic. Burst from its seams and stitching new meaning across un-mappable landscapes, the beyond-ness immanent in the Russian Avant Garde handmade book opened the possibility for passage into a new map of reason--where our current temporality intersects and parallels art from the early twentieth century in Russia is still yet to emerge.