Essay 3 Project

Facade 2

For one of the endings in "Façade", you can get Trip to admit that he is having an affair with a girl named Maria.
Grace gets very upset after hearing this, and asks you to leave. They would definitely need a divorce attorney after that night. The theme of this scalar book is "love and relationships". In this piece of e-lit, the reader must figure out what the problem with Trip and Grace is, because as soon as they open the door to let you in, the reader can tell that something is wrong. Some would argue that you must work hard to keep a relationship work, and to keep the ones you love, which I agree with. Trip and Grace are obviously in a rough patch in their relationship, and the reader has all the power to help restore it. Trip feels insecure about where he comes from, because Grace is from a wealthy family, but Grace thinks that Trip is holding her back from doing what she wants to do in life. This is a very touchy subject, especially for the mediator. That is what is so great about the mechanics of this game. The reader gets to respond with whatever he/she wants, making it more meaningful to the reader because he/she is actually making a direct impact to the story. 

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