Essay 3 Project

Facade 3

Trip seems to be blaming all the problems in their relationship on Grace in this screenshot, but surely both are to blame. According to Alison Ricard, "If your relationship isn't working, you have a part to play in the failure too. Instead of blaming your partner, make an effort to better the relationship" ( If you keep on playing and further the story, you can get Trip to admit that he cheated on Grace with a woman named Maria. Perhaps this is why Trip is so quick to blame Grace for the failing relationship, because he is hiding this huge secret from her and doesn't want her to find out. This ties back with the theme of issues that arise during a relationship. Grace and Trip's relationship wasn't always bad, but the reader can find out by asking some deep questions, that their relationship certainly isn't perfect. They have poor communication, get annoyed very easily with each other, and Trip had an affair with another woman. These issues keep getting worse and worse, until one of them snaps. This narrative shows the reader the progression of these issues, how slow it starts out, but it grows bigger and bigger until it is such a big issue that cannot be ignored. The creators of "Façade" did a great job portraying this theme to the reader, as well as allowing the reader to be very involved with the story itself. 

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