ENG 283E: Our Premodern Epics: How Epics Create Culture and Vice Versa

The Battle of Crecy: French and English Fight for Normandy

            The Multimedia option provided on The Battle of Crecy was a great description of how the battle unrolled. The video perfectly described how the crossbowmen of the French were easily defeated by the longbows of the English. The ranges of the longbows were vastly longer than the crossbows, which also guaranteed the victory by English. Because the French soldiers couldn’t even reach the front lines of the English, they were crumbled easily, and King Edward was granted the win.
            The location chosen was Normandy. Normandy is a northern region in France, and was the location of the battle. The video did a great description of describing the environment and landscape of the surrounding area. Starting as a grassy land, after the war, the lands become marsh and muddy, which was also apparent during the Invasion of the Normandy.
            The multimedia and location tie into the Epic well, because they describe the surrounding details in a very descriptive and exaggerated manner. Even the details down to the grass of the battlefield were descriptively illustrated. Normandy being the place of battle between the French and the English during the Battle of Crecy is a location that had many symbolic values implemented. 
            Aside from the connections that were brought forward by the multimedia option, there were more connections in secondary sources. In a review of the poems of Crecy, author John France argues that when describing the Battle of Crecy, the details play a bigger symbolic role then meant to. France argues that even the description of a hill on the side is a symbolic representation of defense helping the English during the battle. These small details certainly help the reader, due to improving one's knowledge of the background and understanding the importance of the location (Normandy) at hand. France says, "The battle itself has eluded the eyes of historians to important features like the existence of a steep bank". The account of the battle is legendary in itself. By understanding the background, environment and the symbolic representations of the geographic location, one can really live the experience of the battle. France's article is readable ,because of it's thorough analysis.
            Understanding the religious importance of the past is greatly helpful as well. The English were dominantly Catholic, and because of this the epics and poems of The Battle of Crecy were dominantly molded around the idea of religious doctrine. It says in the poems how “King Edward should never be credited, but only God be”.  Another quote found in the Battle of Crecy says, "Be grateful to God who brought all wonders to you. Be not proud, for all things are properly created under God". The religious connection certainly helps one understand more of the culture of the English and French during this time. The importance of this cultural tie is very necessary. 

Primary Source Citation: "Crecy Poem and Horses Lost at Crecy." The Battle of Crecy: A Casebook. ed. Michael Livingston and Kelly Devries. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2015. 89.
Secondary Source Citation: FRANCE, JOHN. History 90.4 (300) (2005): 617-18. Web.

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