According to the Emojipedia informational website concerning Emoji use, emoji's can be defined as meaning "picture letter" in Japanese (Emojipedia).
CLASP is specifically designed to address the retention and degree completion needs of low-income, first-generation, racially diverse, or otherwise underrepresented students in three distinct ways:
- CLASP addresses students' needs in their very first writing course, usually taken during their first year of college. Success in this course is needed for success in subsequent classes that carry higher reading, writing, and research expectations.
- CLASP helps students develop academic and social literacy skills that they can transfer to other disciplines. Students, who learn the unspoken expectations of the university—including how to ask their teacher for a conference, attend a regular appointment, ask their teacher questions, interpret their teacher's comments and apply them to their own writing, and become proactive students—are better equipped to do well in other courses.
- Most importantly, CLASP supports the teachers of these students. Instructors actively participate in a six-part teacher training series as part of their Professional Development in Composition Certificate. The training series emphasizes pedagogies of inclusion, providing a framework for the mutual reinforcement of shared success of students and teachers.
Defining the theory:
This proposal uses Jason Farman's theory of embodiment to situate itself as a project that aims to connect the virtual with the actual. According to Farman, embodiment theory can be understood as "the uses of technology to demonstrate an intimate relationship between the production of space and the bodies inhabiting those spaces" (Farman 4).
In addition, this project situates embodiment by looking specifically at the relationship among individuals who use emoji's for communication ad composing purposes. In examining such relationships among individuals, I refer to Jason Farman's theory of reciprocity, which can be defined for the context of this project as the following, "myself into another, and another into myself" (Farman 64).
In engaging with Farman's notions of reciprocity, this proposal is using his framework in conjunction with embodiment to analyze that "reciprocity can and does take place between embodied subjects and technological objects" (Farman 65).
Technology Literacy
Merriam Webster defines technology literacy as the following:
Technology literacy is the ability of an individual, working independently and with others, to responsibly, appropriately and effectively use technology tools to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate information.