EN 595Main MenuAbout the authorA brief bio on the author of this projectAcknowledgementsA thank you to all who have encouraged, critiqued and simply caredIncorporating Emoji's into the EN 101 ClassroomDefining termsResearch QuestionConceptual FrameworkGoalsConcernsDesired OutcomesMethodologyLiterature ReviewWhy DH?Lucy Johnson8185c4b29d5b3fa7b1d763896c801998d21b80da
MSNBC’s Ronan Farrow Questions Lack of Racial Diversity in Emoji Characters
12015-04-19T20:00:35-07:00Lucy Johnson8185c4b29d5b3fa7b1d763896c801998d21b80da50001MSNBC's Ronan Farrow Questions Lack of Racial Diversity in Emoji Characters July 30, 2014 www.FreeBeacon.com.plain2015-04-19T20:00:35-07:00YouTube2014-07-30T18:48:57.000ZvideoMHQqpkahjVENewsWashington Free BeaconLucy Johnson8185c4b29d5b3fa7b1d763896c801998d21b80da
To extend composition pedagogy to be far more inclusive of visual rhetorical practice, stressing the collaboration and reciprocity inherent in this form of composing and communicating. In doing so we are pushing against and EXTENDING contemporary notions of literacy and technology literacy in highlighting the embodied practice of actual and virtual emoji literacy as a process of composing. :+1:
To craft multimodal projects in the composition classroom that create a vertical framework for visual communicative practice to be interpreted alongside written discourse, as opposed to after it or in a hierarchal structure and validates one form of composing over another. This framework pushes against an Anglo European rhetorical tradition that validates alphabetic and textual discourse over hybrid or visual rhetorical composing.
To highlight rhetorical practices of CLASP students that have often been silenced (see "What's Wrong with Writing Essays: A Conversation" by Mark Sample and Kelly Schrum) in a Western rhetorical practice
To implement Farman's notion of embodiment in situating virtual visual rhetorical practice alongside actual visual rhetoric as a means to create a "topoi" or, a common place to highlight a diverse visual rhetorical strategy in communicative practice.
To implement a Digital Humanities approach to embedding emoji use in the classroom by implementing theories of embodiment alongside the digital tools of emoji use in SMS spaces while also fostering a collaborative reciprocal exchange among students that leads to multimodal processes of composing, seeing theory, method and practice as interchangeable and necessary focal points to a cohesive outcome