Simulation of Life: How E-Lit Creates Empathy

Entre Ville 3: Notes from the Author

Above is an interview with JR Carpenter about being a writer in the digital age. Below is an explanation of the mechanics and technology of Entre Ville, in Carpenter's own words:

In Entre Ville I use a number of found, recycled and re-purposed DHTML and javascript scripts. I enjoy hunting down scripts, adapting them, and patching them together. This recycled and collaged sensibility is in keeping with the visual aesthetic of the work… A number of the small images, as well as a few text areas (such as the description line under the main title) are nested in data arrays set to display randomly, so that whenever one views the page one sees a slightly different combination of images and texts. I intend this to mimic the way the neighbourhood always looks a little bit different every time one goes out into it... It seems important to keep in mind that everyone will see things slightly differently -- because of their browsers and platforms and also because we are all human beings. (Authoring Software, year unknown)

Carpenter's mechanics mirror her narrative and theme, creating an experience that is cohesive and representative of its own messages.

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Macin Sheeder

JR Carpenter from David (Jhave) Johnston on Vimeo.

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