The Exploration of Electronic Literature

"Brainstrips": An "Intellectual" Look at Self and Society

Abbey Lawrence

The idea behind life is something that is extremely complex and hard to understand by many. It involves complicated topics, such as philosophy, science, and mathematics, and require dense explanation. Author Alan Bigelow attempts to present them in a way that is easy to understand by a wide audience. Lev Manovich, another author that writes similar pieces to Bigelow, explains that electronic literature/new media is showcased "...with the use of a computer for distribution and exhibition rather than production" (Manovich 19). The format and overall piece fits under this category because it seamlessly incorporates writing and various forms of technology, including immersive sound files, web comics, and interactive learning modules. At first,
Brainstrips: A Three-Part Knowledge Series takes on a satirical approach but once the reader plays through its entirety, the themes discussed are much deeper and relevant in today’s society. Bigelow discusses this approach in an online archive called Blackbird VCU when he says, "This story does not necessarily use the traditional elements of character, plot, setting and symbol, but it achieves the same effects within the interplay of media, the tension between image and text, text and video, video and animation, animation and sound. Fewer words are needed because the story is told using not just one, but a variety of media" (Blackbird, pp. 3). He is able to achieve this goal due to its unique format and mechanisms, allowing for maximum engagement on the reader's part.

Image result for brainstrips ending

^^^ Above is the opening page before starting "Deep Philosophical Questions".

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