The Exploration of Electronic Literature

Components of Electronic Literature within "Public Secrets"

Samantha Dunbar

The concept of the interactive documentary has to do with a full submersion of the users into the prison system. The audio recordings include authentic background noises and each testimonial is of a prisoner's personal story. Within electronic literature there is a narrative to be told. Within Public Secrets, each user creates their own narrative with the same introduction and closing video. The difference lies within what stories the user chooses to listen to. The concept of selecting the narrative is consistent with interactive, electronic literature. When opening Public Secrets, the setting is outlined within the introductory video which consists of black and white blocks constantly reconfiguring and morphing. In an analysis by Vectors Journal, the editors explored this concept as representations of the exchange between "inside and outside, incarceration and freedom, oppression and resistance, despair and hope." In contrast to the distinct black and white lines, the nature of the audio recordings represent the grey area between the lines.

As far as the mechanics of the piece, there are three sections: Public Secrets versus Utopia, Bare-life versus Human-life, and Inside versus Outside. These three section cover thirty-three topics each with countless audio recordings in which the user is able to mouse over and choose ot listen to. this simplistic mechanic unveils the dizzying number of lives that have been influenced by the prison system that have stories that must be heard. The various paths one can click through allows for the concept of electronic literature to come to life. As a user, the work allows for alternate narratives and fluctuations in the amount of information received based on the actions of the user. Public Secrets exemplifies electronic literature through the narrative structure and mechanics of the project, but it also explores the boundaries of creating a documentary and movement through technology.

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