The Exploration of Electronic Literature

Exploration of Electronic Literature in "Brainstrips"

Abbey Lawrence

Brainstrips: A Three Part Knowledge Series
is split into three parts and is completed in a sequential order. The first part is entitled “Deep Philosophical Questions” and is told through a series of old-fashioned web comics. The reader is able to click on a set of open-ended questions in any particular order that are broad in scope and tackle ethical dilemmas. For example, in the section called “Are men more sensitive than women?”, it emphasizes the stereotype that women are more emotional and in order to make the two equal, the suggestion of editing a male’s genes is brought up.
The second part is called “Science for Idiots” and the goal of this section is to make the reader aware of various environmental issues occurring in today’s world. Just like the previous section, the reader can choose which topics to learn about in any order but each one must be clicked on at some point. For example, in the lesson on Evolution, Bigelow discusses how external factors, such as heart disease, depression, and sexual drive, in both apes and humans ultimately lead to captivity, either in an actual cage or an office cubicle. The final part is titled “Higher Math” and this section relates mathematics to real life and overall human emotions. The reader has the ability to choose the order in which they view the topics but all must be clicked on in order to move. In the section called "Addition",Bigelow relates this to the literal addition of a new family member, which in this case is the birth of a baby boy. He writes how this “addition” will shape the mother’s future and is a result of positives (additions) and negatives (subtractions) that occurred throughout her life.

Image result for brainstrips alan bigelow ending

^^^ Above is a web comic from "Deep Philosophical Questions" entitled "Are men more sensitive than women?"


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