1960 Debate

The video depicts the first televised political debate that took place on September 26,1960 between Senator John F. Kennedy and Vice President Richard Nixon. Besides being the first televised debate, the historic production demonstrated the physical differences between the two candidates. Kennedy’s smooth talking and boyish good-looks was his strongest assets and was very prominent during the debate. While Kennedy was speaking, he held a soft face and spoke with very causal and relaxed mannerism. Nixon, on the other hand, appeared to be very nervous and sweaty. Nixon also spoke very sternly and almost intimidating. When asked questions, Nixon either had no comment or he responded with very wordy and confusing lengthly responses. Nixon’s demeanor during the entire debate was not how he normally was known to act. After the debate, it was clear that John F. Kennedy won the debate. Whether it was the stress of being on television or he was sabotaged, Nixon lost the debate and the debate would follow him even up until his own Presidency. 

Title: TNC: 172 Kennedy- Nixon First Presidential Debate, 1960
Date: September 26,1960
Source: JFK Library Media
Type: Video

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