Digital Assignment: Practice Scanning lines of Poetry

In this assignment, we'll use a wonderful interactive site created by Herbert Tucker and John C. Coleman at The University of Virginia
the University of Virginia, the aptly and amusingly named "For Better or Verse."

1. Start--where else!--by reading the Instructions, which not only include information on how to use the tool in the site, but also a primer on how to scan lines of poetry. Pay particular attention to the Rules of Thumb, since they offer practical guidelines to help you make good decisions when a clear right answer seems elusive. 

2. Once you've read through the instructions, use the tool. Start by scanning Sonnet 18.

3. Then try scanning Prospero's speech from Act 4 of The Tempest.

In both cases, check your work within the tool to see where you've scanned lines incorrectly. 

Be sure to write down any lines that still seem confusing to you and bring them up in class discussion or meet with your professor during office hours for additional assistance with scanning.

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