12019-03-12T08:02:04-07:00Andrea Davise50475e163fb87bc8bd10c6c0244468fd91e8da5316366Cartoon about "scope creep," which in project management refers to continuous or uncontrolled growth in a project's scope that often results in budgetary problems and/or delays.plain2019-03-20T15:03:02-07:00Andrea Davise50475e163fb87bc8bd10c6c0244468fd91e8da5
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12019-02-22T19:09:46-08:00Project Laboratory94Andrea Davisplain8046632019-03-25T00:50:24-07:00The project laboratory is divided into three roughly equal parts. Part one will be organized as a roundtable that covers the below listed principles of project design and management. Part two provides participants with an opportunity to consult with institute faculty to create a project proposal for their research or teaching, and part three is dedicated to the presentation of participant proposals and discussion of next steps.