

DHRI@A-State is a three-day workshop ( 29-31 March 2019) hosted by the Arkansas State University Faculty Center as part of a national network of Digital Humanities Research Institutes supported by the  Graduate Center Digital Initiatives at CUNY and the National Endowment for the Humanities. During the institute, participants will explore digital humanities research and pedagogy, develop computational skills through hands-on workshops, and begin designing their own digital humanities projects for research or teaching.

DHRI@A-State Organizer

Andrea Davis, Department of History

DHRI@A-State Faculty and Planning Committee Members

Cameron Buckley, Department of Art and Design
​Jacob Caton, ​Department of English and Philosophy
Eric Cave, Department of English and Philosophy
Elizabeth Chamberlain, Department of English and Philosophy
​Joe Ford​, Department of Art and Design

DHRI@A-State Fellow

Aimie Michele Taylor, Heritage Studies Program


This page has paths:

  1. Digital Humanities Research Institute Elizabeth Chamberlain

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