Cultural Appropriation as Archives : Media and Cultural Analysis Assignment C

Papier mâché: A prime example of "Appropriated Art"

Art can be formed from anything. An explanation or rational backing up is not required for what the piece is trying to entail. Art is up for interpretation by the public.

Appropriated art adds to the idea of interpretation by the public as it allows people to view items that they have been previously exposed to in a different light. One common example of this is newspapers used for papier mâché. Papier mâché, French for "chewed paper" is a form of art that requires strips of paper and adhesive glue. By overlapping these pieces of paper and glue, one can create an sculpture piece in itself. The paper that people often choose to use are newspapers, and often times people view the stories on the artwork as a separate aspect to the sculpture in itself. This as a whole is appropriating newspapers and using the physical paper for a different purpose- for the purpose of creating art. 

Historically, this dates back to ancient Egypt, where coffins and death masks were made with layers of papyrus and plaster. Papier mâché was also used in the Asian countries, such as Japan and China which used laminated paper and adhesive to add onto their military armour and shields. 


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