1media/aiko_07_02_01_001_19420530_thumb.jpg2021-03-23T19:47:33-07:00Steve Kutay2a3698b64111c4575df6dabf06e183b410497fa3385022Fred Toyosaburo Korematsu, a twenty-three-year-old welder, had plastic surgery and assumed a false identity to pass himself off as a Spanish Hawaiian. He was recognized and arrested for not obeying the exclusion order and jailed in San Francisco. Ernest Besig, an ACLU lawyer looking for a test case, bailed Fred out and he ended up at Tanforan Assembly Center and later the Topaz WRA camp. Fred is seen in this photo from January 15, 1988 with Jack Herzig at the Smithsonian Institute National Museum of American History during the reception following the ceremony awarding Fred the Presidential Medal of Freedom.plain2021-03-23T19:49:30-07:005/30/1942Fred Korematsu and Jack Herzig, 1981-01-15Steve Kutay2a3698b64111c4575df6dabf06e183b410497fa3
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1media/crt_des_sac_jaac_2104.jpg2021-01-03T21:44:22-08:00Steve Kutay2a3698b64111c4575df6dabf06e183b410497fa3Timeline: CasesSteve Kutay39A timeline of events associated with court cases involving Japanese American incarcerees.timeline2021-06-07T21:48:28-07:00Steve Kutay2a3698b64111c4575df6dabf06e183b410497fa3