12021-03-11T15:33:49-08:00Steve Kutay2a3698b64111c4575df6dabf06e183b410497fa3385022A resolution signed by every member of Congress from the West Coast was sent to President Roosevelt calling for the immediate evacuation of all persons of Japanese lineage from Alaska (territory), Washington, Oregon, and California. Here is a list created on February 10, 1942 containing names, addresses, number of acres held and parcel numbers on map of Japanese tenants. It seems this document is preparation for Executive Order 9066 issued on February 19, 1942.plain2021-03-15T11:10:22-07:002/13/1942Dominguez Estate Company Japanese tenantsDominguez Estate CompanySteve Kutay2a3698b64111c4575df6dabf06e183b410497fa3
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1media/crt_des_sac_jaac_2104.jpg2021-01-03T21:44:22-08:00Steve Kutay2a3698b64111c4575df6dabf06e183b410497fa3Timeline: CasesSteve Kutay39A timeline of events associated with court cases involving Japanese American incarcerees.timeline2021-06-07T21:48:28-07:00Steve Kutay2a3698b64111c4575df6dabf06e183b410497fa3