1media/Septième_croisade-en.svg_thumb.png2022-12-22T07:25:23-08:00Amanda Luyster17d39c1ecea88fb7ff282fe74a410b89478b8327394471Route of the Seventh Crusade. Wikipedia.plain2022-12-22T07:25:23-08:00Amanda Luyster17d39c1ecea88fb7ff282fe74a410b89478b8327
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12022-06-16T10:06:32-07:00Where did this go?4plain2022-12-22T07:26:15-08:00 The sword pommel of Pierre de Dreux accompanied the Duke on his crusading expedition to Egypt. The pommel traveled along the route shown in this map, to Egypt. The next known location of the pommel is not until 1928, when Louis Joseph Cartier, a Parisian, purchased the pommel in Damascus, Syria. In 1938 Cartier offered the pommel as a gift to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, where it has been stored and displayed ever since.