Critical Cataloging: Examining LCSH as Text: A Visualization by Mia Tignor


With the advent of the Wolfenden Report, the liberalization in many lands of laws regarding homosexual relations, and recent birth of an outspoken, self-confident "Gay Liberation Movement," the stigma traditionally attached to homosexuality has markedly lessened, and-among the more enlightened-vanished. Increasingly, homosexuality has come to be regarded as only one among many varieties of sexual or social liason, not intrinsically better or worse than the others. "Perversion," however, unmistakably brands it "worse," a form of "corruption," or "maladjustment." The referant thus smears and blemishes a large and already much-harassed body of men and women, whose habits may be different, but not therefore more dangerous, disagreeable, or censurable, than those of the heterosexual majority. 

Remedy: Delete "Sexual perversion" as an "xx" under both heads, and similarly eliminate "Homosexuality" and "Lesbianism" as sa's under the prime head SEXUAL PERVERSION.

Sanford Berman, Prejudices and Antipathies, 1971. 

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