1 2016-04-15T06:32:35-07:00 Allison Cassell c346394afefd27a674eabdf697b6b22e55da1b73 9189 2 Picture File: P20841 plain 2016-04-23T14:56:45-07:00 Allison Cassell c346394afefd27a674eabdf697b6b22e55da1b73This page is referenced by:
Chemistry Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
The Chemistry department faculty has agreed upon the following list of goals that graduating seniors are to develop by the time they complete the chemistry major:
1. Have a firm understanding of the core principles of chemistry as they apply to each of the major subdivisions of the discipline.
2. Be able to communicate their knowledge of the field, both through writing and speaking.
3. Be comfortable and competent in the use of modern technology for the acquisition, analysis, and presentation of chemical data and information.
4. Possess a holistic understanding of the relationship of chemistry to other sciences and to the needs of society as a whole.Department Head:
Donald A. "Chopper" Krogstad currently heads the Chemistry department. He has a Bachelor of Science and a Ph.D.Other Faculty:
- Mark Jensen
- Julie Mach
- David Mork
- Pamela Mork
- Daryl Ostercamp (research chemist-in-residence)
- Drew Rutherford
- Darin Ulness
- Graeme R.A. Wyllie
Majors and Minors Offered:
- Major in Cemistry
- American Chemical Society (ACS) Major in Chemistry
- General Training
- In-depth Training
- Biochemistry Concentration
- Neurochemistry Concentration
- Minor in Chemistry
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- CHEM 172 Survey of Biochemistry
- CHEM 304 Pharmacology
- CHEM 341 Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 344 Spectroscopy
- CHEM 373 Biochemistry
Classes are currently held in Jones Science Center.
The Chemistry department also sponsors an honors program for exceptional students.
Fun Facts:
Biology Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
The department seeks to convey the excitement of biological inquiry and discovery through a variety of means: encouraging group learning and collaborative problem solving, providing opportunities to explore career options and helping students to develop professional communication skills, including scientific reading, writing and speaking. Sophomore and above biology majors who meet criteria are invited to participate in the biology departmental honor program. Biology students are encouraged to participate in laboratory or field research projects, which can be arranged on a directed research basis with various faculty members in the biology department. Majors are also regularly employed as laboratory assistants in the beginning biology courses and as teaching assistants to individual faculty, where they gain valuable teaching experience under the direct supervision of a biology staff member.
Department Head:
Dr. Carol Pratt is currently the head of this department. Dr. Pratt has earned her Bachelor of Arts and Ph.D.
Other Faculty:
- Ellen L. Aho
- Laura Aldrich-Wolf
- Jennifer L. Bath
- Kathryn Behm
- D. Byran Bishop
- John A. Flaspohler
- Ivan M. Johnson
- Michelle D. Marko
- Ronald L. Nellermoe
- Julie C. Rutherford
- Krystel D. Strand
- Janet P. Thompson
- William L. Todt
- Joseph Whitaker
Majors or Minors Offered:
- Majors: Biology
- Minors: Biology, Vaccinology, Neuroscience
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Cell Biology
- Mammalogy
- Neurobiology
Building: Jones
Fun Fact:
- During 2015- present, the renovations of the buildings Jones and Ivers led the department offices to be re-located to Fjelstad.
Clinical Laboratory Science Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
To become registered in clinical laboratory science, a student must (1) complete three years of professional curriculum at Concordia, (2) complete 12 months of clinical training in an accredited school of clinical laboratory science and (3) pass a national certification examination. Upon successful completion of 1 and 2 above, the students are awarded the Bachelor of Arts degree in clinical laboratory science from Concordia College. Students also have the option of completing four years of study at Concordia as a science major before entering the clinical training experience, provided all clinical laboratory science requirements are met.
Department Head:
- Dr. Ellen L. Aho is the Academic Program Director of the department. She has earned a Bachelor Arts degree, Master of Arts, and Ph.D.
- Susan Hollister is the Clinical Program Director of the department.
Other Faculty:
- Alice Hawley
Majors or Minors Offered:
- A major is only offered in this department.
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Clinical Chemistry
- Clinical Immunology
Building: Jones
Clinical Laboratory Science Past
Department Description:
To become registered in clinical laboratory science, a student must (1) complete three years of professional curriculum at Concordia, (2) complete 12 months of clinical training in an accredited school of clinical laboratory science and (3) pass a national certification examination. Upon successful completion of 1 and 2 above, the students are awarded the Bachelor of Arts degree in clinical laboratory science from Concordia College. Students also have the option of completing four years of study at Concordia as a science major before entering the clinical training experience, provided all clinical laboratory science requirements are met.
(Taken from 1999 Concordia College Course Catalog)Department Head:
- Dr. Ellen L. Aho was, and still is, the head of the Clinical Laboratory Science department. She has earned a Bachelor Arts degree, Masters of Art, and Ph.D.
Other Faculty: Other faculty members were employed at MeritCare Medical Center
- James Coffey
- Sandra Matthey
Majors or Minors Offered:
- A major is only offered in this department.
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Immunohematology
- Clinical Mircobiology
Building: Jones
Neuroscience Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
Neuroscience is a broad and diverse field at the frontier of science today. The goal of neuroscience is to understand how the brain and nervous system acquire, process, and integrate information from the environment and how this information brings about behavior of the organism. Neuroscience is truly an integrative discipline in which chemistry, biology, psychology, physics and mathematics all provide us with insight into how the nervous system functions from the basic molecular processes to the sophisticated behavior of higher organisms. The neuroscience program at Concordia is unique in its emphasis on the physical basis of neuroscience, especially chemistry. The molecular level approach is integrated with the more traditional system wide and behavioral emphasis. The neuroscience minor would therefore nicely complement any major in the above-mentioned disciplines. (Concordia College Course Catalog 2015)
Department Head:
Krystle D. Strand who earned her Bachelor of Art, Master of Business and Science degree, and Ph.D.Other Faculty
- Jason Askvig
- Susan J. Larson
- Julie R. Mach
- Mikel L. Olson
- Darin J. Ulness
Majors and Minors Offered:
Only a Minor is offered in Neuroscience.Sampling of courses Taught:
- Introduction of Neuroscience
- Neurobiology
- Physical Neuroscience
Classes are held in the Jones building.
Earth Science Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
Interdisciplinary program (The earth science courses fulfill the broadening core requirements of prospective science teachers and serve as elective offerings.) (Department description from the 2015-2016 Concordia course catalog)No department head was mentioned but they have other faculty including:
- Thelma S. Berquo
- Heidi L.K. Manning
- Mark W. Gealy
Majors and Minors Offered:
Only a Minor in Earth Science is offered.Sampling of courses Taught:
- Introductory Astronomy
- Geology
- Special Topics
Classes are held in the Jones building
Neuroscience Past
Department Description:
Neuroscience is a broad and diverse field at the frontier of science today. The goal of neuroscience is to understand how the brain and nervous system acquire, process, and integrate information from the environment and how this information brings about behavior of the organism. Neuroscience is truly an integrative discipline in which chemistry, biology, psychology, physics and mathematics all provide us with insight into how the nervous system functions from the basic molecular processes to the sophisticated behavior of higher organisms. The neuroscience program at Concordia is unique in its emphasis on the physical basis of Neuroscience, especially chemistry. The molecular level approach is integrated with the more traditional system wide and behavioral emphasis. The Neuroscience minor would therefore nicely complement any major in the above mentioned disciplines.
(Department description for the 2007 Concordia courses catalog)Department Head:
Julie R. Mach earned her Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Ph.DOther Faculty:
- Kristen B. Diederich
- Susan J. Larson
- Mikel L. Olson
- Krystle D. Strand
- Darin J. Ulness
Majors and Minors Offered:
Only a Minor was offered in Neuroscience.Sampling of courses Taught:
- Introduction to Neuroscience
- Physical Neuroscience
- PSYC 328 Human Neuropsychology
- Special Topics
- Neurobiology
Classes were most likely held in Jones and Ivers
Earth Science Past
Department Description:
There is no department description, for Earth Science wasn't established until (1980-1982)Department Head:
Ronald L. Nellermoe who earned his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degree.Other Faculty:
- Robert J. Brummond
- Duane A. Dahlberg
- M. (Mac) McKinnie
Majors and Minors Offered:
Only a Minor was offered in Earth Science.Sampling of courses Taught:
- Astronomy
- Weather, Climate, and Global Survival
- Geology
Classes were most likely held in Ivers and Jones
Fun Facts:- Classes first appeared in 1976
Environmental Studies Past
Department Description:
The environmental studies program leads to a minor. It is designed to provide a foundation for understanding and appreciating environmental problems in their almost endless diversity. By its nature, this field contains a very wide spectrum of considerations ranging from the social and ethical to the scientific. Therefore the student may approach the program in different ways depending on his other interests and studies, but in any case it is strongly recommended that the student have some background in the natural sciences. The program is administered by a special committee of the faculty and each student seeking the minor is individually counselled by the committee or by its chairman, who is the official adviser for students in environmental studies. (Taken from the 1971-1972 Concordia College Course Catalog)
Department Head:
Dr. Duane Dahlberg led the Environmental Studies Department during its first few years on campus. He had his Ph.D.Other Faculty:
- None at the time
Courses of Study Offered:
- Environmental Studies was offered as a Minor
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Environmental Quality in the Lake Agassiz Region
- All other courses to complete the Minor Requirements were in the Chemistry, Economics, Geography Departments, and many more.
Classes were held in the Jones and Ivers Buildings.
Nursing Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
The nursing program at Concordia College is nationally accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and maintains approval through the North Dakota and Minnesota Boards of Nursing. Upon successful completion of the program the student will attain a major in nursing, MN Public Health Nurse certification, and is eligible to sit for the NCLEX-RN licensure exam for the registered nurse (RN). NCLEX-RN pass rates of Concordia College graduates are available on the Minnesota and North Dakota Boards of Nursing websites. The purpose of the nursing program is to influence the health of the world by sending into society compassionate, thoughtful, and informed baccalaureate-prepared professionals dedicated to the vocation of nursing. The nursing curriculum prepares professional practitioners by providing a sound educational basis for continuing development, for graduate study in nursing, and for accepting professional and community responsibility. The nursing program serves as a resource for society through consultation, collaboration, political involvement, scholarship and clinical practice. (Taken from the 2015-2016 Concordia College Course Catalog)
Department Head:
Dr. Polly Kloster is the current head of the Nursing Department. She has received her Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Ph.D.Other Faculty:
- Connie L. Peterson
- Jean C. Bokinskie
- Jack E. Rydell
- Jennifer L. DeJong
- Linda M. Scott
- Jane E. Indergaard
Courses of Study Offered:
- Major in Nursing
- Accelerated Post-Baccalaureate Nursing Program
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Client Concepts
- Family Nursing I & II
- Community Health Nursing
- Mental Health Nursing
Classes are currently held in the Ivers and Jones Buildings.
Nutrition & Dietetics Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
The mission of the food/nutrition/dietetics program is to provide an educational environment consistent with the mission of Concordia College that will facilitate development of future professionals in careers related to food, nutrition and dietetics. The program seeks to:
• prepare graduates for a practice experience in a dietetic internship to become registered dietitians
• prepare graduates for participation in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
• prepare graduates with experiences of a diverse and comprehensive nature to meet the knowledge requirements of the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics. (Taken from the 2015-2016 Concordia College Course Catalog)Department Head:
Dr. Betty Larson is currently the Department Head of the Nutrition & Dietetics Department. She received her Doctorate of Education Degree.Other Faculty:
- Linda James
- Meredith Wagner
Courses of Study Offered:
- Nutrition & Dietetics is offered as a Major or Minor
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Environmental Nutrition
- Quantity Food Production
- Nutrition for the Lifecycle
- Institutional Management
Classes are currently held in the Ivers and Jones Buildings.
Environmental Studies Present (2015-2016)
Department Description:
The environmental studies program equips students with an interdisciplinary framework for analyzing, assessing and responsibly engaging contemporary environmental issues and problems affecting earth systems and human societies across the world. Responding to the call to take care of creation, the program develops students who are ecologically literate citizens of the globe, able to understand and conduct science, to develop policy and to provide moral leadership based on an in-depth understanding of the complexity of contemporary environmental issues and concerns. (Taken from the 2015-2016 Concordia College Course Catalog)
Department Heads:
Dr. Hilda Koster & Dr. Michelle Marko currently co-chair the Environmental Studies Departments. Dr. Koster has received her Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, Master of Divinity, and Master of Theology. Dr. Marko has received her Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Ph.D.Other Faculty:
- Laura Aldrich-Wolfe
- Corwin Aragon
- D. Bryan Bishop
- Gregory Carlson
- Kenneth Foster
- Stephen Grollman
- Gretchen Harvey
- Ross Hilgers
- Matthew Lindholm
- Jonathan Steinwand
Courses of Study Offered:
- Environmental Studies Major
- Environmental Studies Minor
- Concentrations Include:
- Natural Sciences
- Policy and Perspectives
- Contract
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Ecosystems and Human Influence
- Global Development Issues
- Environmental Ethics
Classes are held in the Jones and Ivers Buildings.
Nursing Past
Department Description:
The nursing program, planned for 1985-86 implementation, will be a four-year course of study leading to a baccalaureate degree with a major in nursing. Upon successful completion of the program, the graduate will be eligible to write the examination for licensure as a registered nurse.
The nursing major will prepare professional practitioners to provide nursing care to people of all ages in varying circumstances and settings. It is intended that the graduate will have a sound educational basis for continuing development, for graduate study in nursing and for accepting professional and civic responsibility.
The nursing major will focus on both the individual and family from pre-conception through old age. The curriculum will emphasize the assessment and maintenance of community health, and the treatment of health problems in a variety of healthcare settings. A further emphasis will be on humans as holistic beings continually interacting with their environment.
The clinical practicum will be held in a variety of settings, including homes, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and other community agencies. (Taken from the 1985-1986 Concordia College Course Catalog)Department Head:
Dr. Lois Nelson was the first chair of the Nursing Department. She received her Doctorate of Education.Other Faculty:
- Janell Christenson
- Margie Hansen
- Vivian Holten
- Susan Johnson
- Karen Kristensen
- Marjorie McCullagh
- Connie Peterson
- Karen Radtke
- Florence Deaner
- Mary Gokey
- Martha Vorvick
Courses of Study Offered:
- Major in Nursing
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Chemistry 127
- Biology 407
- Conceptual Foundations for Nursing and Health
- Nursing Practice in a Social Context I, II, and III
Classes were held in Ivers and Jones.
Nutrition & Dietetics Past
Department Description:
The mission of the food/nutrition/dietetics program is to provide an educational environment consistent with the mission of Concordia College that will facilitate development of future professionals in careers related to food, nutrition and dietetics. The program seeks to:- prepare graduates for a practice experience in dietetic internship or preprofessional practice program
- prepare graduates for participation in the American Dietetics Association
- prepare graduates with experiences of a diverse and comprehensive nature to meet the knowledge requirements of the American Dietetic Association. (Taken from the 2009-2010 Concordia College Course Catalog)
Department Head:
Dr. Betty Larson was the first department head of the Nutrition & Dietetics Program. She received her Doctorate of Education.Other Faculty:
- Linda James
- Ellen Lutgen Johnson
- Barbara A. Ronningen Torgerson
Courses of Study Offered:
- Food/Nutrition/Dietetics was offered as a Major or Minor
Sampling of Courses Taught:
- Food Science
- Nutrition
- Clinical Experience
- Institutional Management
Nutrition and Dietetics Courses were held in the Ivers and Jones Buildings.