Concordia College Department Histories

Credo Present

Department Description:

The Credo Honors Program offers a distinctive, challenging way to fulfill the Core distribution courses required for graduation. The Credo program provides learning experiences that prepare students to achieve the following outcomes:
1. Engage in self-motivated and self-reliant learning
2. Develop, cultivate and reinforce the skills necessary for successful study and learning in all disciplines.

Department Head:


Jeffrey Meyer of the music department currently heads the Credo program. He has a Bachelor of Music, a Master of Arts and a Ph.D.

Other Faculty:

Majors and Minors Offered:

None. Credo does not offer a major or a minor, rather it offers additional honors upon graduation.

Sampling of Courses Taught:

Credo classes are held in all buildings across Concordia's campus due to their diverse nature in many different departments.

Random Fun Fact:

The program head was Susan Larson until the Spring of 2016 when it became Jeffrey Meyer.

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