A Conceptual Framework of Technology for Learning and Teaching

Empty classroom

For the first week of a my teaching career in a brand new high school, we lacked even the technology of a school building. When I walked into my first classroom for the first time with my students, we sat on the floor of the empty room. As quickly as modern technologies came within my reach—a photocopier, the Internet, and at another school a class set of iPads—I sought ways to incorporate them into my teaching. My early attempts were little more than something to fill what seemed like endless hours of instructional time glaring at me from blank lesson plans. As I gained experience, many times I found technology as a tool to squeeze a few more minutes out of lessons, weeks, and school years that never seemed long enough for all that I wanted to accomplish. Recently, I have been interested in the ways technology can be used not only by individual students, but to extend opportunities for social learning and collaboration.

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