A Conceptual Framework of Technology for Learning and Teaching

A Conceptual Framework of Technology for Learning

"At a basic level 'technology' is understood as the process by which humans modify nature to meet their needs and wants" (Selwyn, 2011, p. 6).

This conceptual framework summarizes my formative experiences with technology as a learner and teacher and is intended as a guide for other teachers who are evaluating learning technology. This conceptual framework presents my criteria for evaluating teaching and learning technology developed through those experiences and my readings in the field. My criteria for evaluating learning technology are divided into broad categories addressing the affordances and disadvantages. I divide each of those categories into specific criteria for evaluation.

My non-linear conceptual framework can be navigated in many ways. While I have created paths to guide readers through my narrative and evaluation criteria, I have also tagged the components and included visualizations to make clear the links between my experiences and theories. Thus, readers are welcome to follow the tags to explore the two-way connections between my formative experiences and criteria.

Contents of this path: