Yellowstone Park Camp Glenn Creek, Co. 501 and 535
1 media/1985.010.002F_thumb.jpg 2023-02-27T09:28:25-08:00 the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula 2ed0a4c76b15fe2d208dedaebb1fcaaa8b4d9c38 42489 1 plain 2023-02-27T09:28:25-08:00 HMFM Permanent Collection, The William Sharp Collection, 1985.010.002.f the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula 2ed0a4c76b15fe2d208dedaebb1fcaaa8b4d9c38This page is referenced by:
Company 544
Company 544 was organized in 1933, at Fort Knox, Kentucky. The company spent time at camps in California, Washington, Oregon, and Wyoming. They created their Company Review while stationed at Camp NP-7, in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming. The Company arrived in Yellowstone in 1937 and was assigned the project of helping to build the Mammoth Camp Grounds.
Click on the buttons below to learn more about Company 544:Company 544 was formed at Fort Knox, Kentucky, in May, 1933, and was sent to March Field, California, the same month. Captain O. C. McIntyre was Commanding Officer. The Company was established at Camp San Antonio Canyon, F-128 in Upland, California. In April, 1934, the company was moved to Cam Magee, F-134, Spokane, Washington. In October, of the same year, it was returned to Camp San Antonio Canyon, F-18. In May, 1935, to Camp Magee, F-134, Spokane, Washington. In October, 1935 to Camp Tule Lake, BR-20, Merrill, Oregon. In April, 1936, Camp Lava Beds, NM-6 Merrill, Oregon. In October, 1936, to Camp Praire Creek, SP-8, Orick, California. In June, 1937, Canyon Camp, YNP-2, Wyoming. In October, to Camp Glen Creek, NP-7, Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming. It has remained in that location until the present date. At Present, Mr. Donald R. Skelton is Commanding.- Building Mammoth Camp Ground
- Donald R. Skelton - Company Commander
- Ralph N. Hale - Subaltern
- James Dzur - Educational Adviser
- Dr. Donald C. Hartwell, Camp Surgeon
- William L. Sheridan - Project Superintendent
- G. A. Robertson - Assistant Project Superintendent
- T. D. Cain - Senior Foreman
- O. C. Lester - Electrical Foreman
- Rex J. Stanton - Foreman
- J. R. Williams - Foreman
Gilbert A. Ankenbauer, Harry E. Artman, Jack F. Babel, Roy L. Barkley, Harry J. Bell, Ray Billetter, Raymond H. Boettcher, Victor Bologna, John Borsch, Jack E. Brannon, Arthur Briggs, Edward Briggs, Richard C. Britten, Floyd E. Burger, Gilbert Burlin, Francis Carrothers, Clarence R. Casella, John Chek, Paul Cipatk, Harry Citron, Omar W. Clay, James H. Cogan, Earl E. Cronin, Harry S. Crouse, Charles B. Crumpler, Olen S. Cutcher, James C. Dallas, Billy A. De Garmo, Harold E. Dennis, Anthony R. DiBrigida, Lloyd L. Dissinger, H. Dittus, Orville L. Doty, Andy Dresak, Sherman L. Durham, William Ekstrom, Frederick E. Erbe, Jack Feldman, Carl E. Fleischer, Joseph J. Flowers, Arlos E. Gerdes, Carl F. Geschke, Anthony Giraudo, Jr., David M. Griffith, Thomas L. Grim, Lewis J. Gura, Harry E. Hall, Robert J. Hall, Jr., Arthur W. Herman, James E. Hester, Louis E. Holman, Steve J. Hudak, Henry W. Hudson, Isaac R. Hunt, H. Hurlee, Dale S. Hurst, Harry E. Inman, Leo A. Jackiewicz, Clarence W. Jeffers, John P. Jones, John J. Jubera, Jr., Frank Kempinski, George Klovanich, Russel R. Knight, Warren H. Knox, Steve Kolcun, Edward L. Konn, Alfred A. Kretic, Michael Ksenyak, Edward C. Lahmann, James E. Lane, Charles E. Leveton, Paul D. Lowther, Chester G. Ludwig, Thomas F. Lyczak, Joseph Marks, William H. Marquard, Robert A. Mass, John J. McCarthy, James E. McDonough, Bruce E. McIntyre, Estell L. Meadows, Cecil Medley, Ray C. Mehne, Donald F. Merrill, Arthur R. Miller, Arthur R. Miller, Earl S. Miller, James A. Mitchell, George Molnar, James I. Montgomery, Russell R. Newkirk, Charles M. Nichols, John Nichum, J. Niekro, John T. Obradovich, Robert R. Oszust, Donald E. Oldendick, Clifford E. Otey, James A. Overstreet, Julian E. Owens, Mark A. Petrowski, Nick Pickana, John J. Potoma, Armando Pratti, John H. Puchta, Samuel E. Raber, Jr., Charles E. Rainbow, Thomas B. Raisor, Jerry B. Reed, Jack P. Reifsnyder, Joseph E. Robertson, W. Rolsen, Adam M. Rona, J. Rousen, Edward W. Rousey, J. Satterfield, W. Schmidt, Frank Secosky, Denzil W. Shockley, P. Sisabatino, Joseph Smith, Norbert L. Smith, William J. Somplasky, Donald J. Souders, William B. St. John, Jr., Robert J. Stahl, Jackson O. Steele, Robert H. Stockton, William H. Strait, Charles J. Strauss, John P. Strunk, John H. Studt, Henry R. Swallows, B. Thompson, Robert J. Thompson, F. Vaumgardner, Louis A. Velkovich, Clyde M. Walchuck, Mike F. Wallmer, John L. Welch, Paul R. Welker, Arthur C. Wells, George A. Whitton, Vernon A. Winters, George W. Young, Robert W. Young, Joseph G. Zier
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Company 535
Company 535 was organized in 1933, at Fort Knox, Kentucky. The company spent time at camps in California, Montana, and Wyoming. They created their Company Review while stationed at Camp NP-7, near Mammoth, Wyoming. There, the Company was assigned the project of building the Mammoth Camp Grounds from scratch.
Click on the buttons below to learn more about Company 535:Company 535, CCC was organized May 19, 1933 at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and consisted of one sergeant, two corporals, and one private, first class. The Company’s first permanent location was Lyous Valley, California. The first month in Lyus Valley was spent preparing for the first enrollment of 188 men.
Movements were from Lyous Valley to Minersville, California, to Havre, Montana, and then to the present site in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming.
The present officers and camp personnel are: Carroll L. Hildebrecht, Company commander, James D. D. Breckenridge, Subaltern, Scott Simpson, Camp Adviser, Willian L. Sheridan, Project Superintendent, and Dr. Donald C. Hartwell, Camp Physician.
While in Yellowstone Park the Camp’s outstanding accomplishment has been the construction of the Mammoth Auto Camp near Mammoth, Wyoming. This involved landscaping, road construction, construction of comfort stations, tables, benches, fire places, and the laying of both water and sewer lines.
The company has also operated a nursery while in Yellowstone Park with excellent results. Trees and shrubs from the nursery have been sent to Many of the National Parks.
Located in an are heavily timbered with the forest growth so extremely essential for the protection of the Park wild life, fire pre-suppression and suppression is a prime responsibility. Outstanding assignment were the “White Lake” and “Hell Roaring” fires. Splendid discipline and courage were displayed by members of this company under National Park Service supervision.
An athletic program has been developed and maintained that has bought recognition from the entire district. The outstanding feat was the winning of second place in the District Basketball Tournament held at Fort Missoula, Montana, March 1940.- Constructing Mammoth Camp Ground
- Island construction at Mammoth Camp
- Tree planting and landscaping at Mammoth Camp
- Operated a nursery at Yellowstone Park
- Fire suppression at Yellowstone Park
- Carroll L. Hildebrecht - Company Commander
- James D. C. Breckenridge - Subaltern
- Dr. Donald C. Hartwell - Camp Surgeon
- William L. Sheridan - Project Superintendent
- Garnet A. Robertson - Assistant Project Superintendent
- J. R. Williams - Foreman
- Roger F. Carlson - Foreman
- George F. Hass - Senior Forestry Foreman
Thorton W. Avery, William Bendell, Harlon H. Bryant, James N. Buchanan, William R. Coffman, Howard B. Cole, Wilbert W. Early, Matthew R. Evans, William L. Filey, Charles J. Fisher, Robert F. Freeman, Charles G. Gaddis, Julius C. Galli, John J. Gasborro, Earl C. Hamman, Emerson H. Hodgson, Virgil E. Howard, William E. Hubbert, Richard L. Hughes, William C. Hutchinson, Alex Jacksich, James Jason, Harry Johnson, Jr., Harry Kaminski, William E. Keena, Charles L. Kellar, James L. Keller, John D. King, Orville V. Knoblaugh, K. Kohanski, Alfred E. Lacy, George Lang, Jr., Henry C. Lovejoy, Joseph S. Lucicosky, John A. Makowski, Benjamin J. Marinacci, Chester E. Michalak, Howard E. Morford, Donald G. O'Brien, Lawrence Oaks, Andy Opalenik, Roscoe A. Ottinger, Lawrence E. Palmer, Sigmun S. Plucinski, Joseph Podruzek, Eugene R. Poland, James E. Porter, Peter P Przenicny, Harold E. Ramey, Harold E. Rapp, Vincent P. Reinfeld, H. Richards, Woodrow W. Rhoten, James V. Rinella, William K. Saunders, Harold W. Schneckenburger, Millard W. Schumaker. Robert V. Sharpless, Richard H. Seaver, Robert A. Sigg, Steve Skrajnar, Kenneth L. Smith, Barney H. Sniecinski, Lloyd H. Snyder, Lloyd H. Snyder, Robert T. Soncrant, Dale M. Spencer, George L. States, John F. Toohey, James E. Watkins, Eugene Wiggins
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Camp Glen Creek
Yellowstone Park, Wyoming
Camp name:
Camp Glen Creek - NP-7Camp type:
NP - National ParkDate established: Companies stationed there:
Company 544