Comps List

From Contemporary Arab Thought

Mostly a stupid book








Introduction: Major Themes of the Book


1. The Scope and Limitation of Post-1967 Arab Intellectual History

2. Contemporary Arab Intellectual Trends

3. Secularism and its Hazards: The Recent Debate in the Arab World

4. Contemporary Arab Views of Secularism

5. Formation of Contemporary Identities: Nationalism and Islamism

in Contemporary Arab Thought

6. Traditional Values, Social Change and the Contemporary Arab Personality

7. Globalization: A Contemporary Islamic Response?

8. Contemporary Arab View of Globalization





1. Rashid Ghannoushi [of Tunisia] and the Questions of Shari’ah and Civil Society

2. Muslim Self-Criticism in Contemporary Arab Thought:

The Case of Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali (1916-1996)

3. Islam and Muslims in Crisis

4. Toward a Critical Arab Reason: The Contributions of Muhammad ‘Abid al-Jabiri

5. Critical Arab Reason

6. Costantine Zurayk and the Search for Arab Nationalism

7. Mahdi ‘Amil and the Unfinished Project of Arab Marxism

8. Abdallah Laroui: From Objective Marxism to Liberal Etatism





2003 book




Key Terms

Criticisms and Questions



-Arab Marxism/leftist current

-Egyptian Marxist Ghali Shukri says Arab marxists failed to articulate their vision because of their upper bourgeoisie class background, police repression, and widespread illiteracy.

-Egyptian Marxist Ahmed Sadiq Sa’d economic and social history of Egypt

-thinkers unable to refuse dictates of orthodox communism.

-Left took nationalist issue more seriously after Israel, Stalin death and Arab nationalist regimes of the 1950s.

-Ba’athism and the rule of Qasim were oxymoronic.

-working class failed to develop consciousness along Marxist/socialist lines and chose to dwell instead on religious identity. / eventually left intelligenstia were confined to exiles.

Pro-Turath leftist intellectuals: TayyibTizini, Hussain Muruwa, Hadi al-Ulwi, Tawfiq Sallum, Mahmud Amin al-Alim

Anti-turath leftist intellectuals: Salama Musa, Mahdi Amil, Sadiq Jalal al-’Azm, Adonis, Fawwaz Tarabulsi, Mahmud Amin al-Alim, Yassim al-Hafiz, Abdallah Laroui

Egyptian state left thinkers: Mahmud amin al-Amin, Lewis Awad, Salh abd al-Sabur, Sa’d al-Din Wahbah, ‘abd al-Azim al-aqqad, Ghali Shukri, and Sherif Hitatah


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