Chicago's Community Response to COVID-19

Wayne Cable's photography

Photographer Wayne Cable has been documenting the effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic on everyday life in Chicago, Illinois since mid-March of 2020.  Once the "shelter in place" order went into effect in Illinois, Cable began carrying his camera with him during daily walks around Humboldt Park.  This has since evolved into a project documenting the changes in our daily street life in the city.  First, there was the near total isolation on the streets, then people began venturing out more to work, shop for groceries and essentials, and for exercise.  Now we are entering the "mask required" phase of the quarantine.  In the photos, the photographer depicts not only the isolation, but somewhat of a skewed world where things are just a bit "off" from the ordinary. Photographs ©2020 Wayne Cable, all rights not granted herein are reserved.  Photo credit copyright notice required at all times when used.

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