Chicago's Community Response to COVID-19

Share your story

Submit your story here.

Diaries, journals, oral histories, images, recordings, and similar materials are an important part of documenting history. They provide depth and context for what an event or era was like for the real people experiencing it. Gathering this kind of information about the COVID-19 pandemic in the Chicago area will be important for people to understand and learn about this period of our history.

We invite you to contribute any digital records that document your experience and that of the Chicago community during the COVID-19 pandemic. These could include digital journal entries, audio/video recordings, an image, or an email. You can use phone cameras or software to create audio and video recordings, or you can create journal entries in Google and Word documents, text files, PDFs, etc. To contribute a physical item, please use our donation inquiry form.

Tips for Capturing Your Experience

As a starting point, try writing between 250 to 500 words, or if you are recording your thoughts, between 30 seconds and 3 minutes of sound/video recording.