Eastern Culture Nucleus: Chinese Rare Books in the USC Libraries

Woodblock 雕版印刷

Illustrations of Bronze and Stone (Jinshi tu 金石圖), donated by Dr. Peter Marie Suski and printed during the Qianlong 乾隆 reign (1736-1795) of Qing dynasty, contains rubbings and commentaries of bronze and stone inscriptions from the ancient Zhou (1046-256 BCE) to Tang (618-907) dynasties. The rubbings in the book were meticulously engraved by Chu Jun 褚峻 (courtesy name 字 Qianfeng 千峰; active 18th century), a highly-skilled engraver and an expert in epigraphy (金石學).

Further Reading:

Other Fine Examples of Woodblock Printing from the Chinese Rare Book Collection:

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