Correct Meaning of the Examples of Refined Usage 爾雅正義二十卷 (1788)
1media/eryashengyi_thumb.jpg2020-10-14T16:28:31-07:00Tang Li94607ee88639079982d0344d02ff8ecdf7b6dc463099617Examples of Refined Usage (Erya 爾雅) is considered as the first Chinese dictionary, which was possibly compiled during the third century BC. This commentary was written by Shao Jinhan 邵晉涵 (1743-1796), a historian and Classics scholar (經學家) of the mid-Qing period. Donated by Dr. Peter Marie Suski. Date/Edition: 1788 | 清乾隆五十三年餘姚邵氏家塾刊本清刻本.plain2021-03-12T16:43:38-08:00Link to the catalog record in the USC LibrariesTang Li94607ee88639079982d0344d02ff8ecdf7b6dc46
12021-08-25T10:04:56-07:00Tang Li94607ee88639079982d0344d02ff8ecdf7b6dc46List of Titles on DisplayTang Li6structured_gallery2021-08-25T10:26:12-07:00Tang Li94607ee88639079982d0344d02ff8ecdf7b6dc46