Eastern Culture Nucleus: Chinese Rare Books in the USC Libraries

Lithography 石印

Supplement A to the Catalogue of Xiqing Antiquities (Xiqing xujian jiabian 西清續鑑甲編) is an illustrated catalogue of bronzes from the imperial collection of the Qing dynasty, which was originally compiled in 1793 by order of the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711-1799). It is the sequel to the more comprehensive Catalogue of Xiqing Antiquities (Xiqing gujian 西清古鑑) completed in 1751. Printed in 1911, USC's copy is a fine lithograph facsimile of a manuscript version of the catalogue from the Palace of Tranquil Longevity (甯壽宮). It beautifully reproduced the imperial seals stamped on the contents page of the original manuscript.

Other Fine Examples of Lithography Printing from the Chinese Rare Book Collection:

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