Eastern Culture Nucleus: Chinese Rare Books in the USC Libraries

Movable Type 活字印刷

Enlightening Rhymed Phrases for Elementary Students (Xiaoxue qimeng yunyu 小學啟蒙韻語) adopts easily-understood, rhymed phrases to promote essential life skills and moral values, such as reading, determination, family, nationalism, equality, etc., to elementary students. It was written and self-published in 1900 by Zheng Guangong 鄭貫公 (1880-1906; original name Dao 道, courtesy name 字 Guanyi 貫一), a noted journalist and revolutionary newspaper publisher of the late Qing dynasty while he was studying and working with the renowned reformer Liang Qichao 梁啟超 (1873-1929) in Yokohama, Japan. This book is a good example of wooden movable type printing (木版活字印刷) in the early twentieth century.

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