Eastern Culture Nucleus: Chinese Rare Books in the USC Libraries

History 史部

Excellent Rubbings of Stone Carvings (Shimo juanhua 石墨鐫華八卷) is a manuscript copy of a printed book with the same title, compiled by Zhao Han 趙崡 (courtesy name 字 Zihan 子函; awarded with juren 舉人 in 1609 [the Jiyou year of the Wanli Reign of the Ming dynasty 萬曆己酉年]) and possibly printed in 1618 (the Wuwu year of the Wanli reign of the Ming dynasty 萬曆戊午年). It includes rubbings of steles from ancient times to the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368) and focuses on the aesthetic evaluation of their calligraphy. USC's copy is donated by Dr. Peter Marie Suski and the two ex libris seals, 馬硯珊收藏金石圖書記 and 馬書奎印 on the caption title page (卷端頁) of the manuscript are from Ma Shukui 馬書奎 (b. 1794; literary name 號 Yanshan 硯珊; awarded with juren in 1828), a collector and connoisseur of epigraphy (金石學) in the late Qing dynasty.

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