Chemistry & Crime: The Science Behind Solving Cases

Gunpowder Residue

Ned Doheny Jr. 
Doheny Library
On the night of February 16, 1929, Ned and his close friend and personal secretary, T. Hugh Plunkett, were found shot to death in one of the guest bedrooms of Greystone, Ned's Beverly Hills mansion. After his death, his parents donated $1.1 million to USC to build the Edward L. Doheny, Jr. Memorial Library.


Gunshot Residue Analysis
Gunshot Residue (GSR): GSR arises from the cooling and condensation of the materials produced by the combustion reactions within the firearm and can be deposited on the firer, bystanders, and surrounding surfaces in the event of a discharge.
Chemical analysis - combustion reaction from primer that results in lead, barium, antimony byproducts


Books available at USC Libraries

Their Arrows Will Darken the Sun: The Evolution and Science of Ballistics (1st ed.)

Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Articles 

Nothing but hot air?—On the molecular ballistic analysis of backspatter generated by and the hazard potential of blank guns.

Unusual blood spatter patterns on the firearm and hand: A backspatter analysis to reconstruct the position and orientation of a firearm. 


Pitts, K.M. & Lewis, S.W. (2019). Encyclopedia of Analytical Science (3rd Ed).

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