12018-02-08T23:10:01-08:00Marsely Kehoea1a8b9879bbd4468385abbb0c8e4541379b64377277737plain2018-03-17T13:42:41-07:00Marsely Kehoea1a8b9879bbd4468385abbb0c8e4541379b64377[Audio]This building looks like the oldest building on the block, a plain Dutch townhouse, but comparing its appearance in early photographs shows a plain Dutch townhouse shape with a classical hipped roof and overhanging classical horizontal cornice and other horizontal decoration, which contradict the feeling of a Dutch townhouse, and connect it to the Iberian Jewish merchant homes. In 1956, commemorated by a date inscribed on the new façade, the upper level was reworked with a tall Dutch triangular gable with square spout at the top. By the present, the date has been removed, perhaps to imply the building is as old as it looks, rather than a mid-20th century renovation. The porous borders between Protestant Dutch and Iberian Jewish classical architecture no longer exist as this building appears to be only Dutch.