- Nicole M. Frank
- Daniel Stramara
- Jeni McRay
- Rebecca Gould
- Brian Dye
- SIDLIT 2019 Awards
- WordPress
- Emporia State University’s Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) graduate program
- Ad Hoc Website Subcommittee
- Dr. Katie Linder
- public speaking
- coaching
- blended course design
- radical self-trust
- Oregon State University Ecampus Research Unit (ECRU)
- Kathryn Linder
- mobile learning
- instructional design technology (IDT)
- microlearning
- image occlusion
- imageset
- climate data
- nanoscience
- GeoGebra
- Dynamic Geometric Software (DGS)
- math-physics simulation
- soft condensed matter physics (SCMP)
- machine learning
- artificial intelligence
- developing world
- microlearning design practice
- global weather data
- non-functional requirements
- software development
- software testing documentation
- agile testing
- beta testing software
- traditional software testing
- peer mentoring
- instructional design
- Ed Tech Tool Evaluation Form
- core steps of critical thinking
- Information Literacy Big 6
- Information Age
- critical thinking
- fake news
- deep fakes
- Heartland Alliance
- Jonathan Bacon
- Colleague 2 Colleague
- structural biology data sharing
- educational data sharing
- data sharing
- carbon emissions
- energy consumption
- data center
- biomimetic
- error rate
- test data
- training data
- machine learning
- artificial neural network
- learning by example
- deep learning
- machine vision
- IIoT
- IoT
- smart city
- Industrial Internet of Things
- Internet of Things
- online learning
- active learning
- discussions
- nanoscience
- computational physics
- physics education
- Salvatore Magazù
- New Trends in Physics Education Research
- signal detection
- wavelet transform
- Kirthi Devleker
- Andrew Martin
- GeoGebra
- q-set
- q-inquiry
- subjectivity concourse
- q-sort grid
- p-set
- q-sort
- human subjectivity
- q-methodology
- Excel 2019
- funnel chart
- C2C Chair
- intelligent tutoring system
- combination charts
- dual vertical axis charts
- Excel 2019
- combo charts
- data harmonization
- crosswalk analysis