Border Towns 1900-1930

Chapter 2

Everyone is familiar with the story of the American Dream, building a life for yourself and your family. People have come to America for many reasons but the idea of building a better life has always been a fundamental base for why many have come to the US. The early twentieth century America was no stranger to incoming immigrants looking to obtain a better life for them and their family. Immigrants from all side of the US entered in search of more opportunity, job availability, and better wages. The US was in full throttle of building up the west and it could not have been done without immigrants coming in from the south. The southern border of the US saw many Mexican immigrants but also some Asian immigrants as well looking for work throughout the American Southwest. Mexicans and Asians alike crossed the border seeking a new life, but America was no walk in the park for these immigrants no matter the better opportunities the US could offer.


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