Border Towns 1900-1930


The contrasting circumstances between Mexico and the US between 1900-1930 created a situation allowing for many immigrants to enter at the border. Mexico was facing tremendous turmoil from the Mexican Revolution to a declining economic state, but America was just beginning to profit of the American West. From gold and silver mines to railways and agriculture there were many opportunities for immigrants to find work. In this early part of the twentieth century Mexican immigrants came to America for the job opportunities and promises of a better life since their home country lacked such resources. Besides Mexican immigrants coming in from the southern border there were also many Asian immigrants and asylum seekers attempting to enter the US. Asian immigrants were barred from entering the US through the Chinese Exclusion Act which left many to chose work in Mexico instead. Much like Mexico, China was facing their own political and societal turmoil leading many to immigrate in search of a better life. However, since living in Mexico could not offer what they hoped and left many Asians unprotected they sought entrance into the US. The US for a long time has represented a better life and opportunity for immigrants, but once inside the US they were faced with a very different reality. The early twentieth century saw the rise of Border Patrol and Border Security at the southern border. Border towns such as San Diego and El Paso were witnesses to a variety of immigration policy including mass deportation. Racist propaganda was used to create harsh stereotypes and ideologies about these immigrants coming in from the south. The clash of culture and appearance proved to be a difficult factor for immigrants entering the US. Leading to many immigrants who began to settle to create their own communities at these border towns. From the events occurring at the larger level to the individual level have all had an impact on the shaping of immigrants and border security within border towns.

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