Of the Gods

The 여우구슬

After clearing things up amongst your friends, you find yourself at your desk after lunch. 

You know it was Coyote that has been trying to frame you, but you are unsure how to prove it just yet.

Yes you have your evidence; the fur in the envelope, but how do you know it is he who is doing the killing?

You know you have one way that will 100% prove your innocence, but the idea of it gives you great discomfort. Using your 여우구슬. 

This item has been with you for thousands of years, an artifact from your home world. It allows you to take the knowledge from anyone, though you must put it in that individual's mouth to do so, most usually, with a kiss.

Will you

Use the 여우구슬 despite your distaste for Coyote


Try to find another way to prove your innocence