Of the Gods

Deity Profile: Meet Lilith

Bride of Satan
Queen of the Damned
Suffering from Foot in Mouth Syndrome

Impact Site: Unknown
Pre-Conglomeration Region of Management: Euroasiatic
Pre-Conglomeration Regional Management Facility: 40.252611°N 58.439389°E  (Darvaza Post)
Current Management Facility: Eternal Station, Sector 13, Department of Chaos and Discord

She's a fiery redhead with piercing snake-like eyes that could kill with one look and a sharp wit that's bolstered by her sharp forked tongue. First setting foot on Earth somewhere in Eurasia, she's been here longer than the Holy Bible, and won't let you forget it since she's been omitted from it due to "anti-feminist censorship," as she calls it. Don't mess with this demon unless you're cool with giving her your first born. 

Will you choose to be Lilith? 

You bet your ass I will!


I took a lot of inspiration from my own friends for Lilith, but also a lot from the complex characters in Handmaid’s Tale like Offred, Moira, and Ofglen, who are strong-willed, witty, and confident in their abilities in the face of inequality.