Of the Gods

Hot Gossip

Back at work the next day, you're chatting with your coworkers, Lilith, Kali, and Kumi Ho. 

"So Eris," Kumi pipes up. "tell us, tell us. We all know there's something going on between you two."

"I'm so jealous of you," says Kali. "I've been dying to get my hands on him." She's got for of them, and rubs them together in pairs.

"Yeah, yeah, we know everything," gripes Lilith. "That Loki is loose-lipped," she says with a bit of a lisp due to her forked tongue."

"Dont hurt yourself, Lilith," you joke sarcastically. "Tongue twisters will get you into twouble."

She hates getting a taste of her own medicine, and Kumi starts to giggle. Lilith turns to her and gives a stare that could kill a man, and probably has many a time. Kumi shuts up real quick.

Breaking the tension, Kali starts, "Well, tell us then. Is he as dastardly as they say?"

"Oh I know he is, he was all over me a while back...Had to kick him to the curb," explains Lilith.

Kumi Ho is shocked, "What about your husband, Lili?"

"Oh me and Luci have an open relationship. Keeps us coming back to each other if you ask me," she tells.

"Yeah, Kumi. Keeps things..." she flicks her thumb and it lights a fire on her fingertip "....fiery."

"Oh whatever, ladies. I say playing the field is much easier. Don't put all your hearts in one basket like last time, Eris. You need to be careful."

What will you say?

"Oh yeah? Why is that?"


"I'm perfectly capable of handling myself, ladies, thank you though."