Of the Gods

God of Mischief

Your friend starts to speak

"Hey bossman, chill out...Looks like the Earthquake account was filed a couple days ago. Your subordinate here must've just filed it away for safe keeping since she's been clearly so hard at work. We've got a doozy scheduled for San Fran, gonna make international news. It's gonna be the NEXT. BIG. THING."

He throws his hands in the air, a Broadway marquee appearing over his head. It reads "THE GREAT SAN FRANCISCO QUAKE OF 2017" 

Behind the papers, he looks over at you, gives a sly wink, and continues to run his mouth at the boss in his charming manner.

"This idiot is about to get us both fired," you think to yourself... You and him both know you forgot to file those papers, and this is all an elaborate trick.

Still, it suffices, it seems, and the boss storms off. Storms is not an understatement. A cloud forms over his head, and follows him as he stomps away. He pulls out a stress ball from his pocket...it resembles the planet Jupiter.

Will you...

Tell him to watch his mouth?


Open up?