Watch your mouth
"Aw relax, he'll get over it. He'll go hurl some thunderbolts and lightening, it'll be very very frightening for every man, woman, and child in the Chicago area, and all will be right in his world."
You crack a stubborn smile, knowing he's right.
"Still, you need to be careful...they've been talking about a job opening in management once bossy pants gets to move upstairs with the big boys. I don't wanna lose my chance to run this shithole."
"Ah but a beautiful shithole it better watch out, I've got my eye on that position too."
You scoff at his overconfidence. "Like they'd pick you..."
"Oh come on, don't be cruel. You know hard work is only half the battle... the other half requires charm. Something you clearly lack."
You roll your eyes. "They don't call you god of charm either..Loki...try again."
"Got me there, I 'spose. Say, how about we blow this popsicle stand, and go cause some trouble?"
Will you join?
There's a lot of work to do, I better stay.
What's the worst that could happen? Sure.