Of the Gods

Get a little wet

That night, the two of you sneak your way over to the Menagerie, the place where management keeps all the deadliest creatures that were either from the other planets or created in your labs, not longed for Earth.

You walk through scours of glass cages, keeping within them the beasts of yore.

Each cage has a plaque specifying the creature and it's origin.

You and Lucifer slowly pace the halls looking for one in particular....and old pet....

"Chimera....Cyclops....no no"

"If I recall, he'll be with the serpents," Lucifer remembers.

"Ahhh yes! Jormungandr.....no.....Lamia....a baby-eater after my own heart, but alas...no.....Oh wait! There he is!" you exclaim.

"Oh our sweet boy...What have they done to you?"

You stand before a glass tank filled with dark, murky water. Lurking in the shadows is something massive, something primeval. 

You both look at the plaque, then at each other excitedly...
