Of the Gods


"Oh how I missed him...what a magnificent sight" says Lucifer.

"Indeed....lets get him outta here."

Lucifer takes out the universal key to the Menagerie, and then draws in the code for the release. You get the creature's attention, staring deep into his eyes. Like yours, they are yellow, and snakelike, and as you stare into them, you can feel his soul and speak to his mind.

"You might want to stand back, babe. We're about to see more water in here than Earth in the Old Testament."

"Can't wait..." 

He opens the enclosure and a deluge rushes into the facility's hall, Leviathan going with it. As he is whisked away in a tsunami, you and your husband stand there, watching him, like waving a child off to their first day of school. You're both absolutely soaked.

"Where did you tell him to go anyways?" Lucifer asks, dripping wet.

"Oh.....somewhere he'll feel right at home."